Sunday, August 17, 2008

Day 7 on P90X Sunday August 17, 2008

It’s official now I have completed one whole week of P90X. Wheweeee Let me tell you it was rough and painful at times. But, like my Mama used to tell me “You have to work hard to get what you want”. The day started out really slow cause I did not get enough rest like I am suppose to. It being Saturday night I was out later than I should have been. I sure do miss having my morning cup of coffee. So like Tony says get your rest it is important. Today’s breakfast was easy just Bacon and a bowl of Shredded Wheat cereal with skim Milk. Today’s workout was either a rest day or X Stretch so I chose X Stretch cause I am on a role here. I have never worked out seven days straight in my life. Now I am starting to realize what I am capable of. I didn’t think there were any workouts that didn’t push to the extreme but this comes as close as you are going to get. Some stretches are hard but not all of them. I only tumbled a couple of times so not to bad. Now that I know what to expect I don’t really need a day of rest cause this is not to hard on me. Oh now that girl on the DVD named Shana stetches like a wet noodle. If I ever get to bend like her I will be a champion of X Stretch

After eating lunch I decided to go to the gym and do some running. Now I have not been up there on the regular for about 4 months. They probably love me as a customer because they keep getting to charge me even though I hardly go. Wish I had thought of opening a gym cause I would certainly be reach by now. So I get up there and I am thinking “do I really want to get on that scale and see if my weight changed”. After some trepidation I get on it and start pushing those weight and counter weights around I'm thinking, “I was just here Tuesday and it said 172lbs”. Now you know I want to see some changes cause I have been working really hard. I now weight 168lbs which means I lost 4lbs in a week. P90X is paying off after just 7 days. So now I am really pumped and head over to the treadmill to click off 2 miles of running and walking. I hit the scales again and it says 166lbs. Not bad for 2 mile and 225 calories. I used my iPod Nano with the running kit attached to my shoe to track the miles, distance, time, and speed that I ran. Technology is a great thing to have in times like this.

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