Friday, August 15, 2008

Day 5 on P90X Friday August 15, 2008

Wow I am now five days into this. I am still experiencing some of the aches and pains but they are way more manageable now. Like last night my lower back was hurting from doing some of those stretches from the “Yoga X”. First, I thought that I had hurt myself by doing to much. Tony tells you to “Do your best and forget the rest” which he actually means. So if you can only do three chin-ups than stop right there. Well anyway after doing “Legs & Back” and “Ab Ripper X” that pesky back pain went away. I am finding that if I keep pushing myself just enough to finish the workout that I get better even if I don’t do as many reps or lift as much weight as they do on the DVD. You know “The Kids” have already done their 90 days and are used to the workouts. Now me I am older than Tony who is 40 something. Now don’t take it out of content about us older guys being able to get in shape cause that is certainly not true. I will be 47 by the time I finish my 90 days and I plan on having a ripped Beachbody.

The Lunges in todays workout were actually fun and challenging. They do quite a bit of balancing on one leg. I tumbled over a couple of times but just corrected myself and tried until I got it right. Oh, and I didn’t forget to do the “Ab Ripper X” like I did last Wednesday. I am always quite pleased with myself when I have completed another day. I told you all in my previous post that the “Recovery Formula” didn’t taste all that great to me. So after reading some other blogs I saw where someone said to mix it with some ice in a blender. Well that works pretty good and makes it taste a lot better. I think it taste best when it is really cold. If anyone has any recipes for cooking your meals using the “Portion” approach let me know. Today I am having fish for lunch and I not sure how to season it. I want to stay within the “Phase I Fat Shredder” serving chart.

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