Saturday, September 20, 2008

Friday, September 19, 2008

Day 40 on P90X Friday September 19, 2008

Wow, it is hard for me to believe that I have been doing this for forty days now. It just goes to show you that all you need to do is keep pushing play. Today I was able to increase chin-ups. I am getting stronger in the arm and shoulders. The whole Legs & Back workout went very well today. Monday will be the start of my second Recovery Week. I have notice that when I do the Recovery Week and start again that I lose my momentum of increasing strength and have to work back up to where I left off. I don’t like that part so I think I will go to the message board and seek some advice about it. I maybe just unique to me but it makes me not want to stop and do the recovery.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Day 39 on P90X Thursday September 18, 2008

Today was different because I had a friend over and asked him to work out with me. I had told him what I had been doing for the last few months and he seemed interested. He told me he could see that I had been working out in my upper body and my legs. He was telling me that it seemed to not be to hard to do the routines I had showed him on the DVD. So, I thought I would let him see if what he thought was true. I was probably not fair to start him out with Yoga but that was on the schedule. I didn’t tell him that Yoga kicks my butt every time I do it. Well he did try to do some of the Yoga but quickly found out that he needed something more basic to try. I told him he was not supposed to do every thing just like them being his first time. I said that what we are told to do is just do the best that you can and forget the rest. The most important thing is your form. When you can no longer do the correct form it is time to stop. Needless to say that his workout ended with him panting on the couch trying to catch his breath. We had fun laughing about how he need to think about getting in better shape.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Day 38 on P90X Wednesday September 17, 2008

The last time I hit the weights I noticed that I was getting little calluses on my hands. I knew they were coming from the dumbbell bars. Even though they have a rubberized insert it still digs into my palms. So, before doing my Back & Biceps I put on my fingerless gloves to help solve that problem. There is a lot more weight lifting in this second phase, which would explain my callused hands. This week I am hoping I get a chance to pick up a couple of extra dumbbell bars so I can switch weights faster. This workout requires I switch weights a few times and I hate take the time to twist off the plates to adjust cause it just slows down my momentum. The UPS guy delivered my second tub of Recovery Formula just in time because I am at my last serving.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Day 37 on P90X Tuesday September 16, 2008

I am a little over 5 weeks in to this now and still work hard at Plyometrics. I have noticed that if I jump with intention I get much higher than I expect. My legs do feel spring loaded with tightly wrapped vigor. My legs are probably the most toned part of my body. Now on another note I was at the gym doing my 3 mile jog and the first day of that week is like starting all over again. I wish my endurance was much higher so I don’t feel so wiped out when pushing my self.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Day 36 on P90X Monday September 15, 2008

I dreaded Monday because I was so not looking forward to doing Chest, Shoulders & Triceps + Ab Ripper X. But you know once I got all warmed up and hit the weights it was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I was even able to increase a few reps on a couple of exercises. When it was all said and done I felt pretty good about the whole thing.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Day 35 on P90X Sunday September 14, 2008

There is not much to talk about today other than I used today as a rest day. And, I went off the menu by eating some popcorn, Little Debbies Coffee cake, and a coke while at the movies. I felt I deserved it after all the hard work I have been putting in.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Day 34 on P90X Saturday September 13, 2008

Kenpo still wears me out but it is fun kicking and punching like crazy. When doing the X Jumping jack I noticed I was jumping way up in the air without trying. My legs are defiantly getting stronger. I wish there was something I could us so as not to sweat so much.

I got my shoes soaking wet walking to the store to buy some ham and  turkey for lunch. Good thing I had some extra shoes cause I needed something dry to run my three miles in today. I had a really great run even with the machine messing up a couple of times. As usually after finishing I got up on the scale to see the damage and I am now at 160 pounds and this time I am pretty sure it is accurate or at least I am on the same scale as usual. 

Friday, September 12, 2008

Day 33 on P90X Friday September 12, 2008

Legs & Back is something I need to pay attention to. I noticed that after the recovery week I was not able to do quite as many reps as before. I was in more of a struggle to match what I had previously done. This is probably something that is just unique to me. But, when I next have a recovery week I will still add some of the weighted exercised in with the recovery. I think that will work best for me. Good ol Ab Ripper X the 15 minute wonder. I still managed to do all the Mason Twist in one setting. I guess next time I will more that expect to do the all at once.. I also ordered some more of the Recovery Formula so maybe I will have it by next Wednesday.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Day 32 on P90X Thursday September 11, 2008

“Yoga X”, do I need to say more? If you are like me this is a very long workout. It just keeps going and going until you wonder will it end. However, I have to claim one of my successes while doing the work out. I had not been able to do the Crane Handstand since I started this program. But, today to my surprise I actually was able to stand for about 6 seconds balancing on my hands. I am so happy to be able to do this cause it is so difficult for me. I am telling you that doing P90X really works. I felt good enough to get back to jogging my 3 miles. My cold is not completely gone but it is on its way out.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Day 31 on P90X Wednesday September 10, 2008

I feel much better today and I can breath through my nose a lot better. Today is Back & Biceps and Ab Ripper X. At first thought you might think it is similar to Back & Chest which was going through my head. Well sorry to say that, that is not the case. I had to do a lot more different types of exercise than before. This is the part where you get to see how you work similar muscles groups but in very different routines. Many I have never done are seen before. When I looked at the list I was almost overwhelmed by the sheer number of them. I figure it is better to just concentrate on doing one at a time which in the end works best for me. For the first time since I started Ab Ripper X I was able to do all of the 50 Mason (Kayak) Twist without stopping for breaks. To me that shows that I am “Bringing It”!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Day 30 on P90X Tuesday September 9, 2008

Still not feeling to good today. My nose is still stopped up but I am going to day my Plyometrics today. One thing about me is that when ever I increase my activity and breathing my nose clears up so I can breath. So knowing that I figure with all the jumping and twisting with this routine I should be able to breath for a little while. I should probably have just skipped the routine and rested but, I don’t want to let anything stop me unless it is way more serious than this. So, I struggled through the routine and decided not to push myself through my jog I had planned for later in the day.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Day 29 on P90X Monday September 8, 2008

Phase II has officially started today. One of the first things I noticed was that I am suppose to have a different menu now. This is suppose to be the Endurance Menu. So it looks like they reduced my Proteins by 1 serving and increased my Carbs by 1. To me it seems like I will be eating less but I will just follow the menu as written. Now I was not ready for all the Push-Ups that Chest Shoulder & Biceps had in store for me. These workout are more intense then those before. I have actually never heard or done so many different Push-Ups before. Oh did I tell you that I have a really bad cold today. I don’t know how I am going to get through this week feeling like crap. Shoot, I can barely breath with my nose being so stopped up. I got through today and lets see how tomorrow out.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Day 28 on P90X Sunday September 7, 2008

I decided to use my option of taking the day off. But, I did do something that I needed to do. I took my 30 day pictures. I laugh at myself running back and forth trying to make sure I’m in the frame of the picture. I am usually by myself and have to set the camera up on a tripod and use the self-timer. The good thing is that I can set the camera up to take two pictures. It may have a option to take more but I have not discovered it yet. I will let you know later if I see any significant changes in my body composition.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Day 27 on P90X Saturday September 6, 2008

Well today will be my official weigh in to see how things are working out. I am hoping that I am under 160lbs for sure. You know last Sunday I didn’t really trust the scale at that other gym. When I get back I will give you the latest update on the weight. I will be keeping my fingers crossed.

I’m back and I jogged my 3 miles at the gym. There was something different about this run. For once my legs did not feel so tired as usuall. I’m back home and my legs still feel pretty good. Oh, I guess you are waiting for me to tell what the scale said. Well……it said I weighed 162lbs. That was not what I was hoping for but all I can do is press on. Monday starts a new Phase in the P90X plan and I am looking forward to getting started with the new one.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Day 26 on P90X Friday September 5, 2008

Back to Core Synergistics again for this day. Now that I am a little more familiar with the routine I can get through the workout a little faster. Not that it is any easier for me I can just get through faster. I think I have the most difficulties with the Prison cell Push-Ups and Reach High & Under Pushups. I can do the routine but it takes a lot out of me. When I have finished them I am extremely happy to move to something else.

I was on the Beachbody bulletin board and someone mentioned a site what you track your food and nutrition intake daily. I went to the site ( and tried it out. Of course you have to sign-up and all that. But, what it does is list all of you food vitamins, Iron, Proteins, serving sizes, and calories for each meal and a daily basis. Once you have put all your information in it will be easy to see where you may be eating to much of something are not enough. So far I really like the site.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Day 25 on P90X Thursday September 4, 2008

I am starting to enjoy the X Stretch day more. It is usually used on our Sunday rest days. I works great here too. I like the X Stretch because if I want to jog afterwards my body stays warmed up and limber so I don’t have to stretch again before running a few miles. I didn’t run today because I might just continue to let my body recover since this is a Recovery week. Since I will be doing my weigh in on Saturday I think I will just jog that day since I will all ready be at the gym.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Day 24 on P90X Wednesday September 3, 2008

Now this feels like a normal day is supposed to. Kenpo really bring up my heart rate. I know that is the target of the program and Tony says to wear a heart monitor to make sure you are in your target range. Now, I have spent quite a bit of money purchasing this program and buying the food to go along with it. I have also bought the chin-up bar, and the recovery formula. I had to buy a weight set that included some dumbbells. After spending all that money and then looking at the price of that heart monitor I decided that would just have to wait until a later date. If I am not in are past my target range with all the sweat and heavy breathing than I don’t know what is.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Day 23 on P90X Tuesday September 2, 2008

Feeling much better today and ready to push play again. Today was something new I had never done before. This is my recovery week and I am excited to see what types of exercises are in store for me. Core Synergistics is the name of today’s workout. Talk about rolling around of the floor a lot. It was very different from anything I have ever done. You know when you look at this P90X workouts I realize there are many muscles groups I would probably never be using in everyday life. Some of those twist and turns and reaches just don’t happen. I also got my three mile jog in today. I am not sure if this is helping are hurting. I was reading on the message board that we should just stick to the program and not do extra stuff. My issue is that I get no exercise during the day because I work at a computer and sit on my butt. So jogging is my way of burning some regular calories that should occur during a normal day. The only other DVD I ever workout with was Tae-bo which was good but limited.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Day 22 on P90X Monday September 1, 2008

I woke up really achy this morning and my calfs and legs feel tired and over stretched. I was hoping that maybe later in the day I would feel better. As the day went on I felt worse then when I got up. Sorry to say that I didn’t really feel up to doing my P90X today so I just rested as much as I could. I decided that I would go to bed around 10:00pm to make sure I got plenty of sleep. I am not going to beat myself up when my body is telling me I need to rest.