Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Day 23 on P90X Tuesday September 2, 2008

Feeling much better today and ready to push play again. Today was something new I had never done before. This is my recovery week and I am excited to see what types of exercises are in store for me. Core Synergistics is the name of today’s workout. Talk about rolling around of the floor a lot. It was very different from anything I have ever done. You know when you look at this P90X workouts I realize there are many muscles groups I would probably never be using in everyday life. Some of those twist and turns and reaches just don’t happen. I also got my three mile jog in today. I am not sure if this is helping are hurting. I was reading on the message board that we should just stick to the program and not do extra stuff. My issue is that I get no exercise during the day because I work at a computer and sit on my butt. So jogging is my way of burning some regular calories that should occur during a normal day. The only other DVD I ever workout with was Tae-bo which was good but limited.

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